Water and sewer rates will increase for the next five years in the Town of Argos.
The Argos Town Council gathered information in a recent water study and sewer study conducted by Umbaugh and Associates. Figures were given on how much the town should be charging for each utility opposed to what they are currently charging.
The increase will be gradual, but low. Water rates will raise $3.50 this year for any user that uses about 5,000 gallons a month. The sewer rate will also increase by $3.50. Both rates will increase by $1.75 next year and other increases will take place each year for the next five years.
An ordinance to that effect was approved by the town council last week and can be viewed at the clerk-treasurer’s office at 201 N. Walnut St.
Ordinances for payment agreements and code enforcement were also amended and approved.