Marshall Council Approves Funding for Drop Ceiling Work

Marshall County Council
Marshall County Council

The Marshall County Council is prepared to help the Sheriff’s Department lower its utility costs.

In April of this year, Sheriff Matt Hassel approached the county commissioners about work he felt was necessary to better control temperatures at the Marshall County Jail. The ceiling in the lobby was considered too high – which disallows comfortable temperature control.

In addition, the materials used to construct the roof create noise during storms. That caused problems hearing for the employees working inside the facility.

Quotes were gathered to estimate the cost of performing the work in the lobby. Of the four bids submitted, about $13-thousand is required to extend 12 fire sprinkler heads and install the ceiling with fireproof tiles.

To pay for the work, the Sheriff’s Department requested an additional $14-thousand out of the County Adjusted Gross Income Tax fund for the upgrades. One member of the County Council said that following a recent tour of the jail, he felt it would make for a quality upgrade.

The Marshall County Council approved the additional request, unanimously.