Culver School Board Approves Summer School Plans

Culver-Community-School-CorporationThe Culver School Board Monday approved plans for this year’s summer school classes. Students in sixth through eighth grades who need extra help in Math or English/Language Arts will be able to attend classes for four hours each morning from June 7 until June 17.

Middle/High School Principal Brett Berndt says all high school students who need to recover failing grades can take part in the Alternative Education Classroom, available throughout the summer. For three hours a day, students will have the opportunity to work online to recover credits in one of about 30 different classes. Berndt adds that additional Math or English classes may be offered, depending upon students’ needs.

Additionally, Elementary School Principal Erin Proskey says a week of additional classes will be offered for third graders who failed to pass the IREAD-3 test.

Berndt also reviewed the summer calendars for both athletic and band activities. Breakfast and lunch will be served each day for students taking part in summer school and other activities.