Schedule Set for Plymouth Summer School

Plymouth School CorporationThe Plymouth Community School Corporation has set the schedule for summer school classes this year.

Superintendent Dan Tyree told the school board last week high school summer school will run from June 13 through July 1 and then again from July 5 through 22. “The high school will offer the different math classes, the different levels of English, some science classes, social studies classes, and speech,” he said. “We get reimbursed. We’re supposed to get reimbursed 100 percent – actually 105 percent – if we offer classes that students need for graduation at our school.” High school students taking part in summer school will be in class for five hours each day.

Summer classes will also be offered at the elementary level to students needing extra help with reading, and transportation will be provided for those students to get to class. Tyree added that the corporation has received funding from United Way to hold Countdown to Kindergarten again this year. However, details have not yet been worked out.

Also during last week’s meeting, the Plymouth School Board belatedly approved each school’s improvement plan for 2015-2016. Normally, schools are required to submit improvement plans to the state at the beginning of each school year, but Plymouth Schools Director of Quality Programs Brooke Busse said changes at the state level have caused approval to be pushed back, “Originally, we were supposed to submit our school improvement plans using a software called Assist, and then they changed that, so they extended it to give everybody time to get acclimated to the software. And then, they changed their mind, and now we have to submit them through DOE online, so it’s been a very up-and-down process.”

She said the submission schedule is expected to return to normal next year.