Marshall County Begins Extra Holiday Travel Patrols, Friday

Click it or TicketHoliday travel is prompting the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department to increase its traffic patrols.

The travel period for Thanksgiving is typically identified between November 13th and December 6th of each year.

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department will join more than 250 state and local law enforcement agencies to conduct the patrols. The goal is to encourage drivers and passengers to drive sober, and to use their seatbelts. Nine officers will work overtime to conduct sobriety patrols and checkpoints along local roadways in Marshall County.

According to information released by the Sheriff’s Department, there were 520 alcohol-related crashes in November of 2014 in Indiana. Those incidents resulted in three fatalities and 235 injuries reported.

The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute says keeping motorists safe during peak travel times is a priority in the state of Indiana.