Plans are now being laid for a new caucus in Marshall County following the resignation of Council President Matt Hassel.
The resignation follows Hassel’s election as Marshall County Sheriff on Tuesday night. His swearing-in took place on Wednesday. Prior to being able to officially serve as Sheriff, Hassel was required under state statute to first leave his post on the Council.
He says there’s plenty of experience, including with Council Vice-President Don Morrison, on the board to take his place.
“He shouldn’t have any problems, because he’s been there, this is his 19th year,” says Hassel. “So he knows the system and it should be a smooth transition there. A little more difficult: my transition from Bremen. I’ll have to stick around enough, well, be around enough for them to smoothly transition the leadership of that department, then.”
Apart from serving Marshall County’s District 1 on the Council – which covers the Northeastern portion of the county – Hassel also served as the Bremen Police Chief.
A new election for the Council position will likely take place within 30 days from Hassel’s resignation. Now, he says, he will need to put in some work to ensure any transitions go smoothly.
“It will probably be a quick transition, but I will spend extra time working, as needed, to help the other department move through it’s transition,” says Hassel.
Hassel noted there are a couple of names that come to mind when considering a recommendation for Bremen Police Chief.
The Marshall County Republican Party will likely announce plans for a new caucus date in the near future.