Commissioners Approve Letter of Intent for Planning Grant

Tippecanoe Township officials in Marshall County will move forward with a planning grant to make improvements to the structure that houses the fire department and upgrade equipment.

The Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning approved a letter of intent as part of the process in obtaining a $40,000 planning grant through the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). A planning grant would help the officials work with a planner and architect to put together a comprehensive study.

In a previous meeting, Tippecanoe Township Trustee Matt Pitney told the commissioners that a 30-year-old fire tanker needs to be replaced as well as other trucks in the fleet. The firehouse needs extensive repairs or complete replacement.

At that time, the commissioners agreed to be the sponsor of the grant. The township will put forth matching funds totaling $8,500 for a $40,000 planning grant.

The grant application is expected to be submitted yet this month.