Marshall County Commissioners Hold Public Hearing on Pretty Lake Setbacks

The Marshall County Commissioners held a public hearing during their meeting Monday morning concerning an ordinance regulating building setbacks at Pretty Lake.

Plan Director Ralph Booker explained that the Pretty Lake Homeowners Association approved a change where new construction at the lake would need to be a 45 foot setback from an 789.0 elevation line. The plan commission also approved the ordinance with one commission member against.

“The changes are: where adjacent properties have been developed with principle structures on one or both sides the required setback line may be greater than 45 feet from the 789.0 elevation line and shall be determined by a line drawn between the furthest extension of adjacent structures including any decks, balconies or raised patios,” said Booker.

The main issue is sight around a resident’s property.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Deb Griewank opposed the approval of the ordinance stating that a resident’s sight for scenery is forward and not from side to side. The two other commissioners approved the ordinance on the first reading. A second reading will be handled at the commissioner’s next meeting on Monday, Dec. 1.