Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel Provides Winter Driving Tips

As winter weather approaches driving conditions will become more hazardous with an increase of snow and ice on the roadways during the coming months.

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel and members of the Sheriff’s Department have a few tips for motorists to ensure everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.

They advise drivers to clean snow and ice from all vehicle windows before driving. Also make sure there is enough fuel in your gas tank to reach your destination. Keep blankets and warm clothing in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Continue reading

Winter Weather Preparedness Week Vehicle Tips

Today is the final day of Winter Weather Preparedness Week.

Readiness extends beyond being safe in your own home so the Indiana Department of Homeland Security has a few helpful vehicle tips to keep in mind as road conditions become more dangerous with incoming inclement weather.

First, be sure to have vehicles looked over by a mechanic before the cold weather hits. The mechanic should check the brakes, heater, defroster, tires, windshield wipers and any other parts they may be susceptible to issues in the winter-time. Continue reading