Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight. Town Manager Jonathan Leist will present his report which will include an update on the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Council President Ginny Bess Munroe appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners last week where the county governing body agreed to support the town’s quest in becoming a stellar community. Munroe said the Town of Culver was looking to show a united front with the county to include in their finalist packet due by Aug. 25.

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Culver Library to Delay Marking Accessible Parking

Officials with the Culver-Union Township Public Library asked the Culver Town Council members to delay marking spaces for accessible parking as required by the American Disability Act. Town Manager Jonathan Leist presented the information where he explained the library board is waiting for the final design for the courtyard before designating areas for accessible parking.

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Stellar Community Letter of Intent Due Friday with Changes

The Culver Town Council and the Stellar Communities Committee have made some focus changes to the plans for this year’s application.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the council members Tuesday night that the committee revisited the proposed lighter, quicker and cheaper project. The committee has decided to go with five or six-foot letters that spell C-U-L-V-E-R rather than the historic story walk as that particular project. Utility Superintendent Bob Porter is researching the cost for this project, but Leist believes it will fall within the $5,000 requirement for that part of the application.

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