Bremen Town Council Receives Updates on Projects

The Troyer Group has submitted a contract for the Bremen downtown project, but town council members will wait to approve that when they get more information from the grant writer.

The downtown revitalization project includes new streets, sidewalks, curbs and lighting. INDOT has delayed the project a bit so they can fund more aspects of the project. INDOT has already earmarked $1.2 million for this project. The project is expected to begin in 2020.

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More Dissenting Comments Given Toward J-Turns

Opinions have not changed concerning J-turns at intersections in Marshall County. They’re not welcome.

INDOT officials reviewed their proposed plans for a J-turn intersection at U.S. 31 and State Road 110 during a public hearing Wednesday night and residents restated their distaste for the suggested improvement.

INDOT officials say that a J-turn intersection will improve safety by diverting traffic from a median crossroad and allowing drivers to turn into a median allowing a left turn, making a U-turn, joining traffic and turning at the desired location. Continue reading

Culver Town Council, Stellar Committee Prepare for Site Visit

The finishing touches are complete on the Stellar Strategic Investment Plan for submission to the Stellar Communities Designation Program committee for the Town of Culver.

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist said Union Township submitted a letter of support toward the project along with a $40,000 contribution toward the effort. The Marshall County Community Foundation, in coordination with the Vonnegut Fund through the organization, contributed $80,000 toward the bike and pedestrian trail project and Elkay Manufacturing is partnering with the town to provide cabinetry and plumbing fixtures for the proposed Sandhill Farm workforce development housing project.

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