Part-Time Code Enforcement Officer Position & Wage Approved by Marshall County Council

Marshall County Plan Director Ty Adley discussed a part-time code enforcement officer position with County Council members Tuesday morning.

Director Adley noted that the position wouldn’t be filled until 2019. He told council members, “I’m looking to hopefully advertise by the end the month and have prospects back towards the end of December and somebody hired as soon as we can in January.” Continue reading

Marshall County Council, Plymouth BOW Discuss Planning Director, Contracts

The issue of a part-time code enforcement officer was discussed during Monday morning’s Marshall County Council meeting.

Planning Commission President Stan Klotz noted that there are some issues concerning code enforcement in the county. He said Planning Director Ralph Booker is in an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Plymouth in addition to his full-time duties with the county. He believes that because of the split focus, code enforcement has been lacking in the county.

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