Marshall County EMA Director Presents Recovery Plan

Plans to respond to a disaster are in place, but what assistance is available after the scene is cleared? Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery presented a recovery plan to the commissioners during their meeting on Monday. This will be added to the emergency plan already in place.

Avery said some residents won’t meet the required threshold for monetary assistance after an event occurs in the county. He said this plan can fix that issue.

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Remember Flood Safety as Spring Arrives

Rain showers this spring could be potentially heavy so now is the time to make a plan in case of flooding in the area.

Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery stresses the importance of not driving through flooded roadways, during this Flood Safety Awareness Week.

“If you see water across the road, turn around,” said Avery. “We don’t want people driving through it. You see all the time when people get out in the middle of a road that’s flooded and their car stalls. It could be worse where the current is strong enough that it can sweep away the vehicle.”

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This Week is Winter Weather Preparedness Week

This week has been designated as Winter Weather Preparedness Week in Indiana.

Winter does not officially arrive until Dec. 21 and although snow has arrived in parts of Northern Indiana this season it’s never too late to craft an emergency plan.

Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery suggests that you stay informed about potential severe weather. If snow begins to fall in the area, slow down if you plan on driving. Give yourself plenty of extra travel time to reach your destination.

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