Argos Town Council Approves Marshall County Crossroads Intergovernmental Agreement

An intergovernmental agreement related to the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Initiative came before Argos Town Council members a few times when they met last month.

Members first saw the agreement during their first meeting in October. However, they voted to table it at that time since councilwoman Suzanne Umbaugh was absent from the meeting and she has played an important role in the town’s Stellar efforts.

When members met for their second meeting of the month, they unanimously approved the agreement. Continue reading

Resolution Showing Support for Housing Project Associated with Regional Stellar Initiative Raises Funding Concerns in Plymouth

Despite receiving a recommendation from their fiscal officer to hold off, the Plymouth City Council passed a resolution Monday night that confirms the City’s support for the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Initiative as well as a permanent supportive housing development.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi shared a few details about the Stellar Initiative and noted a permanent supportive housing development is one of the city’s projects they plan to include in the County’s application seeking a Regional Stellar Designation. Continue reading

Argos Town Council Members Approve Resolution Showing Their Stellar Support

Argos Town Council members approved a resolution during their meeting Wednesday night that provides the Town’s support for the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar initiative.

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney said that in the four years following the potential designation, the Town of Argos would provide a local match of approximately $280,000 during that time frame to cover the cost of the major projects they want to accomplish.

Mullaney said if the designation is received, the Town’s projects would include the installation of a series of trails, a housing development and the addition of more sidewalks. Continue reading