Culver Boys and Girls Club Going Strong

The Culver Community School Board received an update on programs offered with the Culver Boys and Girls Club.

Club Director Jessye Gilley said the club started in 2007 with 35 kids a day while today there are 92 students who attend activities as an average daily membership. The total active enrollment is 219. The club welcomes Culver students and many other students in the area to attend the available after school programs.

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Culver School Board to Meet Tonight

The Culver Community School Board will meet in regular session tonight with a light agenda.

The Culver Boys and Girls Club will have a presentation to the board. The board will also approve elementary, middle and high school intersession teachers. The Science and Health Textbook Adoption Committee have made their recommendations and they will be reviewed by the board.

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Culver Community School Board Reorganizes, Approves Master Agenda

Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel
Front L-R: Dr. Vicki McGuire, Marina Cavazos
Back L-R: William J. Sonnemaker, Mark Maes, Ryan Sieber, Ken Vandeputte, Jack Jones, Jim Wentzel

The Culver Community School Board elected officers for 2015 after the swearing-in of recently reelected members Jack Jones, William Sonnemaker and Ryan Sieber. Ken Vandeputte replaces Jack Jones as president. Jim Wentzel succeeds Vandeputte as vice president, and Mark Maes took over Wentzel’s previous seat of secretary.

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Culver School Board Has Decision to Make

The Culver Community School Board has a decision to make tonight on whether to switch their 2015-2016 schedule to the balanced calendar. They will meet right after the public forum being held in the Culver Community High School auditorium. Rochester School Corporation Superintendent Janna Vance, plus a principal and a teacher from the corporation will be there to talk about being on a balanced schedule. That begins at 6 p.m. ET.

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