Culver Community Schools’ Band Program Receives Generous Monetary Donation

The Culver Community Schools’ Band program will receive four years of financial assistance thanks to a generous donation from a local family who wishes to remain anonymous. The family agreed to provide $10,000 to the band this year and an additional $5,000 annually for the next three years.

Culver Community School Band Director Jason Crittendon explained that the money will be utilized for various things that will assist the students significantly such as instrument repairs that have been needed for some time but funds haven’t been available until now and new instruments that the school doesn’t currently own.

Another one of the potential purchases includes music chairs that are designed specifically to assist instrumentalists with posture and breathing. Continue reading

September Marks the Start of Ancilla Community Choir Rehearsals

The Ancilla Domini Community Choir and Orchestra will be performing Handel’s Messiah this November. However, before they can grace the stage with a completed performance, they have to practice first.

Rehearsals are held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday in September and October except for the 31st, which will be moved to the November first. The choir will have its final two rehearsals on November 7th and 14th before their performance Saturday November 18th. Continue reading