Possible Impact Flooding Could Have on Agriculture

Though much of the high water we were seeing last week has receded, you may have noticed that there are still several fields that are looking more like lakes recently.

Depending on when these flood waters clear up completely, Hoosier farmers may run into some issues this farm season.

Purdue Extension Agriculture Educator Phil Woolery mentioned that the severity of impact will depend on how long a farmers’ field stays underwater. He said fields that dried up rather quickly probably won’t have any issues, while those that are having trouble draining may run into some problems down the line. Continue reading

United Way of Marshall County Holds T-Shirt Fundraiser for Flood Victims

As individuals begin assessing the severity of damage in the area, many Marshall County residents are seeking ways to assist those who were impacted the most by the flooding in February.

The United Way of Marshall County wasted no time coordinating with local businesses to organize a t-shirt fundraiser to assist those in need. According to United Way representatives, the shirts were provided through the generous support of Yoder’s Sports Center and Recon Media provided the t-shirt design free of charge. Continue reading

Emergency Response Vehicles Deliver Food and Clean-Up Kits Around Indiana

On Wednesday, Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicles started delivering food and supplies to flood-affected areas around Indiana, including the counties of Marshall, Starke and Pulaski.

Local Red Cross Volunteer Sherry Fagner spent the beginning of this week working with the Mass Care Feeding League at Red Cross Headquarters in South Bend, organizing contracts with areas requesting assistance and preparing kits to deliver to the spots that were hit the hardest by the recent floods. Continue reading

Plymouth Schools Policy States No More than Three eLearning Days Can Be Held Consecutively

Plymouth Schools will not be in session today, but rather than holding an eLearning day students will need to make up today’s absence at the end of the year on Thursday, May 31st.

Superintendent Andy Hartley explained that the reason an eLearning day cannot be held today is due to a recommendation from the Indiana Department of Education.

Based on feedback they received from districts who piloted the program, IDOE recommends that schools should not have more than three eLearning days in a row. Continue reading