Expert Says Farmers Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

cornfieldCyber attacks are reported in the news all the time, but you don’t often think of farmers as being potential victims. While pest control jacksonville fl can help with pests, cyber attacks need to be addressed as well. Internet Security Alliance President Larry Clinton says many of the agriculture industry’s closely held secrets are vulnerable.

“There’s valuable soil and content data; there’s GMO variables; there’s pesticide and chemical formulas, genetic engineering, innovative animal breeding techniques, planting, harvesting, processing, storing, transporting. There’s a lot of important business data there.” Continue reading

Plymouth Appropriates Funds for Blueberry Festival Fireworks Upgrades

Blueberry-Logo-2012Fireworks at the Marshall County Blueberry Festival were again up for discussion during Wednesday’s special session of the Plymouth Common Council. Last month, the Common Council voted to give the festival an additional $25,000 for this year’s fireworks, after festival organizers asked the city to fund the upgrades in recognition of the Blueberry Festival’s 50th anniversary. On Wednesday, council members formally decided to take that $25,000 out of the city’s General Fund. Continue reading

Pursuit Ends With Arrests, Drugs Discovered in Car

William Shultz(1)
William Shultz

An Etna Green man faces numerous charges after leading Marshall County Police on a high-speed chase through two counties last night. The incident started around 8 p.m. when an officer tried to pull a blue Ford Focus over for expired plates in the area of 18B Road and State Road 331. The driver, identified as 24-year-old William Garrett Schultz, refused to stop and took off, according to the incident report. Continue reading