Possession arrest

PLYMOUTH — On June 16 at 7:10 p.m. Marshall County Deputy Matt Geiger stopped a vehicle for speeding on US 30 east of King Road.

The driver,​ Jaelynn ​J. Coleman of Crown Point had a suspended driver’s license. Coleman was placed into custody and when gathering items for Coleman Deputy Geiger located green pills that were identified as a schedule 2 controlled substance,​ which Coleman.
He was taken to the Marshall County Jail for processing and charged with possession of a Schedule 2 controlled substance and driving while suspended ​prior.

Multiple charges in traffic stop

LaPAZ — On June 15 at 9 p.m. a Marshall County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Deputy conducted a traffic stop with a vehicle in the area of US 31 and US 6.

The driver of the vehicle,​ identified as 33-year-old Ruben Ramos Jr. of South Bend,​ was found to be operating a vehicle without ever receiving a license and had an active warrant for his arrest through Kosciusko County.
The passenger of the vehicle was identified as 25-year-old Titana Riley of South Bend.
During the traffic stop,​ suspected drugs were located inside the vehicle and on Ramos and Riley.
While conducting the traffic stop,​ another vehicle arrived on scene. The driver of the other vehicle was identified as 42 year old Meloney Rangel of South Bend.

Rangel was found to be driving with a suspended license with a prior. All three were taken into custody and transported to the Marshall County Jail. RAmos was booked for his active warrant,​ operating a vehicle without ever receiving a license,​ and possession of marijuana. Riley was booked for possession of marijuana. Rangel was booked for driving while suspended with a prior conviction.
The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department was assisted by Indiana State Police.

All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Marshall County Plan Director Required to Seek Council President’s Approval for Certain Expenditures until Solar Moratorium is Placed

The Marshall County Council approved a motion to require Marshall County Plan Director Ty Adley to seek Council President Jesse Bohannon’s approval for legal and advertising expenses prior to incurring such expenses until a Solar Moratorium is placed by the Commissioners.

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