Regional Cities Funding Clears Statehouse Hurdle

news-2Regional Cities funding was finalized as the clock was ticking at the Indiana Statehouse on Thursday night.

There were suspicions that Regional Cities funding may not have sufficient votes for passage out of committee after the Indiana Economic Development Corporations’ Regional Cities Task Force recommended awarding Tax Amnesty funds to three regions of the state instead of two.
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Former Plymouth-based CEO Convicted on Multiple Charges

gavel-300x199Marshall County’s Prosecutor says he will be seeking the maximum sentence following a conviction this week of a former Plymouth business’ CEO.

Investigations started following the closure of Stone Creek Homes in Plymouth in May of 2012. According to information provided by the prosecutor’s office, the company was shuttered without warning to customers or employees.
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TASK Organization to Provide Community Education Prior to Tax Vote

educationTaxpayers for Argos Schools and Kids is planning several upcoming events to brief the public on a possible increase to their property tax levy.

Whether to apply an additional $.61 per $100 of assessed valuation will go to ballot referendum during May 3rd’s primary election. If approved by voters, about $1-million in revenue is expected to be generated to retain both teachers and extracurricular programs.
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Database Sought for Tracking Registered Buggies

Sheriff-stARThe Marshall County Sheriff’s Department is hoping to be able to better track license plates for buggies registered in the county.

Earlier this year, the Marshall County Commissioners established an ordinance outlining the procedures and fees. Buggies used by local Amish populations are thought to cause damage to local roadways, but prior to the ordinance adoption, a fee is not applied to their registration to help pay a portion of the damage costs.
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