Governor Holcomb in Quarantine after Members of Security Detail Test Positive for COVID-19

Governor Eric Holcomb is in quarantine, after several members of his security detail have reportedly tested positive for COVID-19. A statement from the Governor’s Office Tuesday says Governor Holcomb and First Lady Janet Holcomb are considered close contacts, and State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box has advised them to quarantine.

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Dozens of New COVID-19 Cases Reported in Marshall, Starke, Pulaski Counties

New COVID-19 cases continue to be reported in Marshall, Starke, and Pulaski counties. Another 59 Marshall County residents have tested positive, according to Sunday’s update from the Indiana Department of Health. That brings the county’s total to 2,452 since the pandemic began. Starke County had 19 new cases, bringing the total to 755. Four new cases were reported in Pulaski County for a new total of 324.

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Bremen High School Adjusts Schedule, Switches to Remote Learning

Bremen High School is switching to remote learning between now and Thanksgiving. In a letter to parents Friday, Principal Bruce Jennings said the start of the second term has been pushed back to next Thursday. The first four days of the trimester, November 19, 20, 23, and 24, will be done remotely. All students not in quarantine will be invited to return to in-person learning on November 30.

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New Restrictions on Social Gatherings to Take Effect this Weekend

New restrictions on social gatherings will take effect this weekend, amid what Governor Holcomb is calling a second surge of cases. “So beginning November 15 and for the next month, I’ll sign an executive order that will implement pandemic requirements for all Hoosiers and targeted restrictions for counties that are in the orange and red status,” Holcomb announced during a press conference Wednesday.

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State Health Officials Still Unsure of COVID-19 Vaccine Timeline

State health officials are making sure they’re ready for a COVID-19 vaccine to arrive in mid-November, but whether it will actually get here by then remains to be seen. During Wednesday’s COVID-19 briefing, Indiana Department of Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lindsay Weaver said the state’s been asking hospital systems to help identify potential distribution sites.

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