Plymouth City Council Hears Update on Comprehensive Plan Subcommittees

City of Plymouth Attorney Jeff Houin updated the Plymouth City Council on the Comprehensive Plan and the subcommittees formed to propel the initiatives forward.

Monday evening, the Council approved PC 2024-14 which was recommended by the Zoning Subcommittee, the Plan Commission and ultimately the Council which amended some setbacks primarily in the R-3 district to better enable property owners to renovate, rebuild and improve buildings that sit close to alleys.

The Empowerment Subcommittee held another meeting and is now transitioning from the brainstorming phase to establishing some action items to address identified issues.

The Revitalization Grant Subcommittee is working on improving the Facade Grant Program.

As a reminder, the Council approved Resolution 2024-1100 to Establish a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.

The Michiana Council Area of Governments (MACOG) assisted Plymouth with updating their Comprehensive Plan. The new Plymouth Forward 2040 Comprehensive Plan was approved by the Plymouth Plan Commission on December 5, 2023 and by the Plymouth Common Council on December 11, 2023.

The final plan recommends the formation of an Advisory Committee which was formally established as the Plymouth Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee to laser focus on certain areas through subcommittees and make recommendations; though they themselves have no formal authority.

The Committee is comprised of volunteers from a broad spectrum of interest and expertise but also includes the following standing members: City Attorney, who shall act as chairperson for the Committee, City Plan Director, one member of the Plymouth Plan Commission, and one member of the Plymouth Common Council.

The following subcommittees meet:

Marketing – to celebrate achievements of the Committee and the City, fostering community ownership and pride.

Membership – to identify and recruit Committee members to ensure a well-rounded perspective.

Zoning – to implement various strategies of the Plan that require amendments to the Plymouth Zoning ordinance.

Revitalization Rebate – to implement Wellbeing Strategy 9 of the Plan to “Restructure the Façade Grant Program to be stronger and offer a streamlined process to increase participation.”

Building Trades – to implement Growth Strategy 7 of the Plan to “Start a renovation-trade class or club as a program offered in Plymouth Schools.”

And the newly formed Empowerment Committee.

Council member Randy Longanecker encouraged Department Heads to strive to think ahead in their planning now that there is a clearly established Comprehensive Plan; though initiatives take time and money he recommended a proactive approach moving forward rather than a reactive approach.