Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety, City Council to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will meet tonight where they will hear reports from department heads as necessary.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet at 6 p.m. ET tonight followed by the Plymouth City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m.

The council members will review several documents. The council will review a tabled ordinance that would annex eight acres of real estate located immediately adjacent to the corporate boundary of the city on Bayless Street and a resolution that pertains to a fiscal plan for providing municipal services of a capital and non-capital nature in support of the annexation. They will also review a tabled resolution that would issue a permit to sell alcoholic beverages at the premises located at 213 E. Jefferson Street.

City Attorney Jeff Houin will discuss electric vehicles and the council will look at several ordinances on first reading. The council just holds first reading on ordinances by title only. One ordinance amends the code of ordinances of the city concerning adoption of personnel policy by reference. Another ordinance amends the code of ordinances concerning the use of golf carts on streets and alleys. The third ordinance fixes the salaries of appointed officers and employees, fire and police personnel for the city for 2025.

Both meetings will be held in the second floor Council Chambers room in the Plymouth City Building at 124 N. Michigan Street. Those interested in attending the meeting in person should enter the building through the Garro Street entrance.