Bourbon Town Council Approves Ordinances, Makes Appointment to OMC

The Bourbon Town Council held their regular meeting April 9.

Executive Director for the Marshall County Solid Waste District Marianne Peters updated the council on activity at the Recycle Depot including an initiative to establish a County Yard Waste Facility. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15 at 6 p.m. at the Recycle Depot. 

Marshall County Tobacco Education Coordinator Annette Haining presented the No Smoking signage to be displayed in the Bourbon Parks. 

The contract was renewed for Susie Schaetzle to continue as the Bourbon Building Commissioner & Zoning Enforcement Officer effective through December 31. 

Jonah Best was appointed as the ONE Marshall County (OMC) representative for the Town of Bourbon. Best indicated that he was willing to serve in this role but that he would need President Les McFarland and member Terry Clemens to attend some of the meetings as they are held during a time that creates a conflict with his schedule at work. 

The Council approved Ordinance 2024-04 Yield to Stop Signs to include one additional stop sign replacement at the location of Jefferson St. and North Washington St. The council suspended the rules and passed this on all readings. 

The Council approved Ordinance 2024-01 Overnight Parking on third reading. There will be no overnight parking permitted downtown. This ordinance will be published prior to going in to effect and the change will be circulated on the Town of Bourbon website and social media page. Signage will also be placed once the wording is approved. 

After months of review and discussion, the Solar Panel Ordinance 2024-03 was passed on all readings. The ordinance includes a decommissioning disposal clause.