Plymouth Community School Board Prepares for Bid Award

The Plymouth Community School Board prepared to award a bid at their regular March meeting.

Bids were solicited on Feb. 27 for the new career learning center and two were received. Brown and Brown submitted the low bid of just over $3 million including an alternate of placing acoustic panels in the precision machining area of the new building. The second bid was by Gibson and Lewis for a total of $3.97 million. The bid is to be awarded at the board meeting in April.

Superintendent Mitch Mawhorter told the board that there was a paper trail that needed to be established for the New Market Tax Credits and other funding sources for the project to ensure that the money flowed properly. He said that in order to keep the project timeline in order and keep Brown and Brown moving forward he intended to send a letter to the contractor to promise to pay them for any time and materials if anything fell through before April 2.