Bourbon Town Council Approves Ordinance Concerning Overnight Parking on First Reading

The Bourbon Town Council approved Ordinance 2024-01 Overnight Parking on first reading this week.

The ordinance states that the Town of Bourbon is approving restrictions on overnight parking in the downtown area on Main Street and Center Street of Bourbon.

Currently there are no restrictions on downtown parking in the Town of Bourbon and overnight parking has become problematic for the purposes of snow removal, emergency services, and residents who live downtown.

In an effort to regulate overnight parking to maximize the efficiency and provide as safe an environment as possible; the Council will limit parking in “downtown” as follows.

“Downtown” will be defined as Main Street within the municipality and both north and south routes in between Quad Street to the south and Park Avenue to the North; and Center Street within the municipality and both east and west routes, in between Bourbon Street on the west and Harris Street on the east.

Within that restricted area, no vehicle may be parked within the hours of 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. ET. Those restrictions do not apply to any business establishment that has hours between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.; any business such as the 24-hour laundromat which operates during those hours may permit parking to patrons.

Violators of these restrictions are subject to a $50 fine and ticket for the first violation of the Ordinance. Thereafter each separate offense will incur a $100 fine per ticket.

In other news, the Council also passed Ordinance 2024-02 Conversion of Yield Signs to Stop Signs on first reading. It has been observed that drivers are not observing the yield signs properly; they will be converted to Stop Signs for safety purposes within town limits. 

Those ordinances will be advertised in accordance to the law; and will be on a future agenda for second and third readings before final approval.