Candidates Continue to File for Office in Marshall County

Candidates continue to file for office in Marshall County for the 2024 election.

Republican Michael D. Burroughs filed for Marshall County Commissioner District 2, Republican Tim Harmon filed for Marshall County Council At-Large, Republican James Masterson filed for Marshall County Council At-Large, and Republican Brandon S. Schadek filed for Marshall County Council At-Large.

Republican Jack Jordan filed for State Representative in District 17, Republican Mike Bohacek filed for State Senator District 8, Joe Layne filed for State Senator District 8, and Ryan Mishler filed for State Senator District 9. Democrat Valerie McCray filed for United States Senator.

Republicans Debbie Beck, Jonathan Bryant, and Greg Compton filed for Marshall County Republican Convention Delegate, while Republicans Tamera Borggren, Mandy Campbell, Sharon Dotta, Amy Jones, Stan Klotz, Mechelle Longanecker, Jonathan Monhaut, Donald Nunemaker Jr., Brandon Schadek, Jeffery Snyder, and Ruth VanVactor filed for Republican Precinct Committeeman.