Shannon McLeod, Grant Administrator for Priority Projects updated the Commissioners that there have been no bids for the owner-occupied housing projects; contractors are in high demand and are pursuing larger, more profitable projects. She will continue to try to motivate bid submissions and will advertise again.
Plan Director Ty Adley presented 23-PC-11 Davis, Ronald seeking approval of rezoning for a container housing project. The client did not appear in time for the public hearing on the project; the Commissioners continued the public hearing until the August 7 meeting.
Ginny Bess Munroe updated the Commissioners that $16M to $17M in Stellar Projects across Marshall County are in progress or have been completed.
Attorney Jim Clevenger updated the Commissioners that the Indiana General Assembly amended the juror pay statute to increase juror pay from $15 a day for jury selection and $30 per day for jury service to $40 and $80; increasing to $90 after five days. Clevenger sent a memo to Marcel Lebbins suggesting that the Council address the issue as the jury pay statute provides that the fiscal body is to set juror pay.
Attorney Clevenger also updated the Commissioners that the 911 Service and Software License Agreement. He indicated that the contract is between the Sheriff and Communication Venture Corporation (INdigital) for the new 911 software. The contract has an initial term of 3 years with automatic renewal terms thereafter. The contract is long and is typically one-sided; Attorney Clevenger offered to negotiate more favorable terms; though he is sure that there will be no change in the actual price which is $27,892 for three years.
Indiana Senator Mike Bohacek updated the Commissioners that while HB 1173 does address Battery Storage; it leaves the zoning issue up to local governments. Commissioner Stan Klotz stated that the Plan Commission will need to review the issue. Bohacek encouraged Marshall County to review their ordinances. Debbie VanDeMark approached the Commissioners during Public Input and requested that they do create a Battery Ordinance; she repeated concerns that the existing Solar Ordinance is not sufficient and needs to be updated.