John Glenn School Board Approves Bid for HVAC Controls at High School

The John Glenn School Board voted recently to approve the purchase of new front end HVAC controls for the John Glenn High School at a recent meeting.

Front end HVAC controls had previously been replaced at both North Liberty and Walkerton Elementary Schools, but with issues arising with the system at the High School, the need for replacement is coming sooner than expected. With this replacement, it will enable all schools to run on the same software.

The front end HVAC controls from Havel will cost approximately $134,020. It will be added onto the same software as the rest of the schools in the John Glenn School Corporation so officials will be able to monitor temperatures, energy usage, change temperatures, or even pre-set temps for upcoming events, all from a computer.

Council member Ryan Knowlton moved to approve the purchase and the motion passed unanimously amongst the John Glenn School Board.