Culver Community School Board Holds Discussion on School Calendar

Culver Community School Board members (L to R) Mark Maes, J.D. Uebler, Kevin Falk, Theresa Thompson, Jack Jones, Michael Pazin, Amy Pugh

The Culver Community School Board reviewed the 2023-2024 school calendar during their meeting Monday night.

Superintendent Karen Shuman shared that administrative staff adjusted the calendar from last year to include two virtual days after Elementary School parent/teacher conferences.  Board member J.D. Uebler questioned the need for those days as virtual days are chaotic for families at times.  Shuman and Elementary School Principal Erika James commented that it was a request from the teachers as it gives more time for teachers to discuss a child’s progress with parents during the conferences and make the connections needed between the pair. 

Shuman added that the calendar presented is close to Plymouth’s calendar.  The Knox Community School Corporation starts school a week earlier than Culver so it creates a challenge for vocational students as they begin classes prior to the first week of school.

Board members Michael Pazin and Mark Maes asked if the corporation could delay the start of the school year and finishing the school year later.

Shuman said it makes it difficult for vocational students to attend classes at Knox or Plymouth if the calendar starts later and the other schools do not follow suit.  There are more and more students who are taking part in vocational classes as a graduation pathway. Middle/High School Principal Brett Berndt pointed out there are 52 Junior and Senior students from Culver who participate in vocational classes. 

Shuman also mentioned that the start of school after Labor Day would need legislative action. 

Ultimately, the school board approved the 2023-2024 calendar as it was presented. The board members may produce suggestions toward the formulation of the school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.