Marshall County Drainage Board Thanks Barbara Neidlinger for 48 Years of Service

Pilot News Group Photo / Jamie Fleury
Marshall County Commissioner Stan Klotz, Marshall County Drainage Board member David Stultz, Marshall County Surveyor Craig Cultice, Marshall County Surveyor’s Administrative Assistant Barbara Neidlinger, former Marshall County Surveyor Larry Fisher, Marshall County Commissioner Kevin Overmyer, and Marshall County Drainage Board member Randy Glingle

Article submitted by Jamie Fleury, The Pilot News Staff Writer

The Marshall County Drainage Board thanked Barbara Neidlinger for her 48 total years of service to Marshall County as she approaches retirement from the Surveyor’s Office. Thirty seven of those 48 years were served in the Surveyor’s Office. She has served as Drainage Board Secretary for nine of those 37 years.

Present were Surveyor Craig Cultice, Commissioners Kevin Overmyer and Stan Klotz, and members Randy Glingle, David Stultz and Marshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger.

During the November Marshall County Council meeting, the council gave support for up to four weeks of pay for the Interim Office Manager and Administrative Assistant who is hired to serve after Neidlinger’s retirement for training purposes.

As of the Drainage Board meeting Monday, November 21, her replacement had not been hired. Seven individuals submitted applications. Cultice conducted the interview process in compliance with Human Resources standards and anticipated an offer of employment soon.

In other news, Beaver Excavating was awarded the bid for work on the Stock-Heston Ditch in German and North Townships. Beaver Excavating submitted the lowest bid of three at $13,900.

Marlin Mullet approached the board for a variance on the Gall-Unsicker Ditch. The board approved a modification of his request to accommodate a more modest variance that still met his needs.

The board heard comments on an obstruction petition regarding the property of Merl Hayn and Alvin D. Morris on State Road 10. Commissioner Overmyer informed the parties that he would consult with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) regarding the water and drainage issue. It was suggested that the culverts that were installed are rusting. Though INDOT has not previously taken responsibility for the installation of those culverts, the board will pursue a solution by first consulting with INDOT.

In a follow-up with Cultice, a meeting with a representative from INDOT was scheduled for Tuesday, November 22 to further investigate the cause of the occasional flooding on State Road 10.