Candidates Set for Second Congressional District Caucuses

Twelve Republican candidates have filed to fill the unexpired term of Jackie Walorski who was the Second District Congressional representative and be the candidate for the position on the General Election Ballot. Walorski passed away in a car accident in Elkhart County Wednesday, August 3.

The candidates are Dallas Barkman, Terry Harper, III, Curtis Hill, Jr., Michael Hogberg, Scott Huffman, Tiernan Kane, Daniel Koors, Marvin Layne, Curtis Nisly, Christy Stutzman, Scott Wise, and Rudolph Yakym III.

The caucuses will be held Saturday, August 20 at 11 a.m. ET at Grissom Middle School located at 13881 Kern Road in Mishawaka.

The caucuses will be presided over by Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer and be conducted in accordance with Indiana Republican State Committee-approved caucus rules and procedures. Each candidate will be given the opportunity to have an individual speak for two (2) minutes by way of introduction and each candidate will be given three (3) minutes to speak.

Following candidate speeches, voting will occur, beginning with the caucus to fill the ballot vacancy for the General Election. Following each round of voting, if no candidate receives 50 percent plus one of the votes of those eligible, present, and voting, the candidate or candidates who receive the lowest number of votes will be dropped. That same process will be repeated until a candidate receives 50 percent plus one, making them the nominee for the General Election.

Following the selection of the nominee for the General Election, selection of a nominee for the special election to fill out the remainder of the vacated term will then occur. Only precinct committeemen representing the current Second Congressional District will be allowed to participate in this process.  

The same voting procedures used during the first caucus will be used during the second.

Once both nominees have been selected, Chairman Kyle Hupfer will submit a notice of nomination for each caucus to the Indiana Election Division.