Bourbon Police Department to Receive New Computers for Squad Cars

The Bourbon Police Department will be getting new computers for the squad cars.

Bourbon Police Sgt. Carl Amsden presented the Bourbon Town Council members with a quote Monday night for three new computers from HWC. 

“These are Ruggedbooks,” explained Sgt. Amsden.  “They’re tough and they’re able to withstand the cold, the heat and be in a car situation.  The only difference is they don’t have a touch screen.”

The current computers were purchased in 2014.

The $3,749.97 cost will come from the Police Department’s Computer Line Item in the budget.  Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger said the purchase would take all of the funds out of that line item. 

The Bourbon Town Council members approved the purchase with a unanimous vote.

While addressing Police Department matters, Council President Ward Byers commended Police Chief Bill Martin on school safety efforts.

Byers commented, “I want to thank Bill for making certain that we have uniformed officers in our schools. It’s very important and making sure that’s happening. I know Carl has spent some time there, and Taylor and Bill as well. There’s nothing more important than protecting our schools and our kids so I thank you guys for doing that.”