Distinguished Young Woman of Triton Named Saturday Night

Hanna Hooley

The 58th winner of Triton’s Distinguished Young Woman program was named in a ceremony Saturday night.

Congratulations to Hanna Hooley of Tippecanoe who was deemed the winner of the event and was awarded $1,200 from the Breanna Lemler Memorial Scholarship Fund.  Hooley also won Director’s Choice and the Fitness competition of the evening. 

Hooley was given a Distinguished Young Woman medallion and a plaque. She will be moving on  to the state competition February 13, 2022. 

The First Runner-up was Sadie Barber and the Second Runner-up was Melissa Slabaugh.  Other participants included Emma Lemler who won the talent portion of the evening and HaileyJo Mendoza who received a $200 scholarship award. 

In all, $4,900 in scholarship money was awarded to the contestants. 

Distinguished Young Women of Triton is a not-for-profit organization with 100 percent of ticket sales and donations going to the scholarship fund and program’s sustaining fees.