John Glenn Superintendent Updates School Board on COVID Numbers

John Glenn officials have been watching COVID-19 statistics closely as the school year continues with in-person instruction.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell said at the last board meeting earlier this month, there were 40 positive cases and about 300 close contacts identified in the first few weeks of school.  Since then, there were 14 positive cases and 45 close contacts the week of September 5 and 14 positive cases and 45 close contacts the week after that.  There was one positive case and 12 close contacts at the time of his report Tuesday night. 

Winchell stated that the corporation’s mask requirement has helped with close contact tracing and quarantining.  The requirement went into effect at the beginning of September.  Several parents have been before the school board to present opinions on the mask requirement and the board members have taken those comments under consideration.