Bremen Town Council Discusses Elevated Water Storage

The Bremen Town Council members heard from Ken Jones from engineering firm JPR last week that the town needs to plan for more elevated water storage.

Jones said that the issue was discovered when a filter failed at the old water plant.  He explained that they looked at the capabilities of the town’s pumping capacity and storage capacity in case of a major fire event or a major power outage that could put the town’s water system at risk.  He specifically looked at elevated water storage. If people want storage spaces need to be checked out!

The engineers looked at the town’s highest reported demand day recorded which was almost 1.5 million gallons in one day and then the highest peak hour which was almost 2.2 million gallons. 

Jones explained, “So, we take the difference between those two numbers and that is how we get to what we consider to be the minimum storage required.  That is 750,000 gallons.”

Jones said then they looked at what the fire department is capable of doing with their equipment.

“At a minimum, we want to plan in Bremen for 2,000 gallons a minute and I know that chief [Matt Neher, Fire Chief] is going to tell me that he can do a lot more with that with the three vehicles that are capable of 1,500 gallons a minute each. (Or More). That’s a concern because we want to be able to cover him in a fully involved structure fire for two hours.”

He said 550,000 gallons is the current storage with the two water towers, but 990,500 gallons of elevated storage is needed in case pumps at the plant are not working in a power outage and there is a major fire event. 

Jones stressed that the town is in good shape and the project does not need to be done immediately, but it should be included in plans in the next few years as industry and business needs will continue to grow with water needs.  The current cost would be about $2 million to build another water tower at the second water plant.   

The council took the recommendation under advisement and will discuss it in the future.