The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will consider several requests when they meet tonight.
Requests will be for the closure of downtown for the tractor show, to conduct the Plymouth Kiwanis Club peanut days, to repair a sidewalk, to hold the Memorial Day Service, and hold a sidewalk music series event.
City Engineer Rick Gaul will also have several items for the board members to review for utility work.
The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members will meet at 6 p.m. tonight followed by the Plymouth City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. ET.
The council members will hear from Briarwood Estates residents concerning water bills, and they will consider an ordinance amendment that adjusts garbage and mowing fees.
City Attorney Sean Surrisi will present several CF-1 reports to the council that deal with compliance with tax abatements. Surrisi will also present the Marshall County Master Trails Plan for adoption.
Additionally, an ordinance amendment that fixes salaries of appointed officers and employees, fire, and police personnel for 2021 will be discussed.
Both the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety and the Plymouth City Council meetings will be held in the Council Chambers room on the second floor of the Plymouth City Building at 124 N. Michigan Street. Those planning to attend the meeting should enter the building through the Garro Street entrance.