Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines to be Extended to Children Ages 12-15

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is extended to children ages 12-15 after the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices approved the FDA’s extension of the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer vaccine for that age group. 

Indiana State Department of Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lindsey Weaver stated in a press briefing Wednesday that parents may begin scheduling appointments online as early as 8 a.m. ET Thursday, May 13.

“We hear daily about the sacrifices that families have made to protect their loved ones who have medical conditions that put them at greater risk of severe illness or death from COVID,” stated Dr. Weaver.  “In some cases, that has meant healthy children have remained virtual learners for more than a year to protect high-risk siblings.  In others, it’s meant giving up cherished extra-curricular activities such as athletics or show choir.  Expanding the vaccine to younger Hoosiers will help our children start getting back to the activities they love.  It will help them to have a summer that is focused on quality time and not quarantine.  It also will help ensure that the next school year looks much different for our students, teachers and staff.” 

She added that counties that do not currently provide the Pfizer vaccine will get the vaccine.

Dr. Weaver continued, “Our goal is to ensure that Pfizer is available at every local health department.   To achieve this goal, we are sending Pfizer vaccine to local health departments in 30 counties that do not have any Pfizer providers.  We’re also sending Pfizer vaccines to the other local health departments that will arrive on Monday.  We’ll be ensuring that each of our mobile units carry Pfizer.  Having this vaccine available will ensure that counties and local health departments can administer vaccine to all ages so that no vaccination opportunity is missed.”

Appointments can be made beginning Thursday, May 13 at 8 a.m. ET at or by calling 211.  A list of walk-in locations is available on the website.