Indiana Department of Health Updates County Metrics Map

Starke County is in the orange status this week on the Indiana Department of Health’s County Metrics Map that measures community spread of COVID-19, while Marshall County and Pulaski County are in the yellow status. 

The orange level indicates a high community spread of COVID-19 and the yellow status indicates a moderate level of community spread. 

Another 1,160 people in the state have been diagnosed with COVID-19 including 19 more people in Marshall County, six more people in Starke County and one person in Pulaski County.  An additional 10 people in the state have died of COVID-19 which increases the overall total to 12,960. 

Over two million Hoosiers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  People who are 16 and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  To schedule an appointment or to find a location that does not require an appointment, visit or call 211. 

The updated long-term care facility information shows 12 verified resident COVID-19 cases from December 12 to April 28, and six confirmed resident deaths from December 10 to April 26. None of those were reported locally.