Bourbon Town Council Considers Playground Equipment Purchase

Bourbon parents with younger children will soon be able to take them to the park to enjoy a new playground set. 

The Bourbon Town Council members considered a proposal this week from playground company Game Time for a new piece of equipment that would feature interactive pieces that are geared toward the youngest park users.  There are sensory items involved along with a slide, platform and tube. 

One feature that impressed the council members was expression swings.  Expression swings allow a toddler and a parent to sit across from each other and experience the movement of the swing face-to-face. There would be two swings installed. 

Street Superintendent Roger Terry said the current playground equipment is roped off as parts of the 30-year-old structure are broken and parts for it are no longer available. 

The total cost of the equipment is $25,402.38.  The amount was budgeted in this year’s budget for this purchase and it was unanimously approved by the council.  One additional expense would be to replace the pea gravel with mulch as a more standard base at the playground. 

The town will remove the current equipment and Game Time installers will put up the new equipment, but it may not be complete until June or July.