State Health Commissioner Reviews Updated Visitation Guidelines for Long-Term Care Facilities

State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box takes part in a virtual press conference on Mar. 17.

Visiting loved ones in long-term care facilities continues to get easier. State Health Commissioner Dr. Kris Box reviewed the latest guidance from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services during Wednesday’s press conference.

“According to the guidance, indoor visitation shall be allowed at all times with only a few exceptions,” Box explained. “These visits can occur in single-occupancy resident rooms but are still discouraged for residents in double-occupancy rooms. Physical touch, such as hugging, is permitted for residents who are fully vaccinated, provided that the residents wear a well-fitting mask and perform hand hygiene before and after physical contact.”

Box said that for the most part, facilities have to allow up to two hours per visit, and outdoor visitation doesn’t necessarily have to be suspended if there’s an outbreak in the facility. However, visitor screening, social distancing, and mask wearing continue to be required as much as possible. “But these changes represent a vast improvement to the quality of life for our most vulnerable Hoosiers,” Box added, “and we know that many families will be extremely happy to reconnect with their loved ones.”

Box said that families experiencing visitation pushback from a long-term care facility can contact the Indiana Department of Health’s regulatory division.