The Bremen School Board members carefully looked at a proposal last week that would implement a Middle School Alternative Program.
With the use of ESSER II grant funds as part of the newly-approved Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, it was explained that a program could assist Middle School students who are not successful in the traditional classroom. It would place students in a different structured learning day and address certain needs.
The proposal included the purchase of computer software that would help with content learning with Math, Science, Social Studies, and English/Language Arts that parallels Indiana education standards.
The Middle School Alternative Program would place a licensed teacher in the classroom where students can work at their own pace on core subjects and achieve remediation necessary to perhaps return to a regular classroom. They would get more close attention with assignment help.
The alternative programming could help students in those grade levels to reach mental health and social emotional goals to make them successful in their learning. It also allows for more communication between the school and parents/guardians to discuss student progress and achievement.
Several Bremen Public School Board members had concerns about making sure that all K-12 students are served who may be failing or not reaching their educational potential. The number of students who may benefit from the program and the number of educators were also discussed. Superintendent Dr. Jim White commented that this would be a place to start as Middle School students sometimes struggle the most.
While the board members are not opposed to the concept of the program, there are aspects that they would like to review a little further before providing approval. The board members voted unanimously to table a formal decision until their April meeting. In the meantime, Dr. White asked board members to submit concerns and feedback and those items will be researched and addressed at the next meeting.