Triton School Board Approves Special Ed Agreement, Updated Sexual Harassment Response Policy

The Triton School Board last week approved an agreement for special education services.

Superintendent Jeremy Riffle says there are no major changes to Triton’s arrangements with the JESSE Cooperative, but last week’s approval just brings the agreement up to date with what’s been taking place. “Those had not been updated for probably five or six years,” Riffle explains, “so there were definitely some services that either had changed or were housed in different places, so it really just kind of updated those, and most of those changes were just based on law changes to make sure that we’re meeting those requirements.”

The school board also finalized an update to the corporation’s Title IX policy, outlining the response procedures to sexual harassment claims. The update was made with the help of policy consultant NEOLA. Many school corporations are making similar Title IX policy updates, to make sure they’re in line with current federal requirements.