New Childcare Academy Coming to Argos

The Argos Community School Board members recently approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Small Wonders to manage a day-to-day childcare operation out of the school’s former administration building across the street from the Elementary School. 

Superintendent Ned Speicher said there is a need for childcare services and this partnership will help those families in need of those services for infants to four-year-old children.The service should have a website so that parents can navigate to this website to ensure safety and services before sending their children.

Speicher said a few updates are being made to the building before services begin. 

“We’ve repainted the whole facility, we put up a small playground fence for safety and we’ll be putting new carpeting there,” said Speicher.  “The furniture will be provided by Small Wonders childcare.  We will continue to heat and cool the building and provide the utilities so it won’t be additional expenditures for the school district.” 

Speicher noted that before school and after school programs already exist in the building. 

Small wonders will be providing the personnel, care and the licensing for the children. 

The services will begin January 4. 

Everyone can get more information regarding this as the rates for childcare services will be shared in the near future.