Bourbon Town Council Takes Action on Vacant Homes

The Bourbon Town Council members agreed to take legal action on three vacant homes in town that have drawn complaints from neighbors.

Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger explained that one property at 606 North Washington Street has been an issue in the past with an infestation of rodents and other vermin, creating a health and safety issue.  Other properties in question are at 205 North Washington Street and 305 North Thayer in Bourbon.

Zoning Administrator Bill Keyser said he will work with Town Attorney Alex Hoover to start the process.  He said he will need to go inside the house to take pictures and start the process with members of the Marshall County Unsafe Building Board. 

PJ Hanley commented that the town should put a lot of pressure on the owner legally to make improvements or demolish the properties.  The town has had issues with these properties in the past and while a workable solution was negotiated at the time, more needs to be done. 

Town officials believe that the gas, electric and water and sewer are not connected in the three abandoned homes.   

The issue will be addressed with the property owner for a solution as quickly as possible.