Bremen Town Council Members Discuss Trick-or-Treat Hours

The Bremen Town Council members took time to discuss trick-or-treat hours Monday afternoon.

The topic was initiated by Bremen Police Chief Brad Kile who said he had been getting several inquiries about the event. 

Town Attorney Anthony Wagner noted that some other annual Halloween gatherings may not be planned due to concerns surrounding the health pandemic. 

The council members agreed that it be the resident’s choice whether or not to participate.  If they choose not to participate in trick-or-treating, they can leave the porch light off.  If they choose to participate, those handing out candy should have the porch light on, wear a face covering and observe other COVID-19 guidelines. 

The council members unanimously voted to approve trick-or-treat hours on Saturday, Oct 31 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.  If there happens to be a severe outbreak of COVID-19, or other issues warrant a change, the council can vote later to cancel the event.