Plymouth School Board to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Community School Board will meet tonight where members will consider the corporation’s emergency plan and report on school safety and security. 

A Lincoln Junior High School building project update will be given.  The school is anticipated to be open to students this school year when they can return to in-person instruction. 

The school board will consider the appointment of a chief technology and information officer, consider a resolution to dispose of personal property, consider revisions to the employee handbook, and review the teacher evaluation plan for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Tonight’s meeting begins at 7 p.m.  The meeting site will be open with limited public space due to social distancing guidelines.  Those who would like to attend in person should email by 10 a.m. today to reserve a seat.  All other comments pertaining to the meeting agenda should be emailed to Superintendent Andy Hartley at