Bremen Public Schools Finalizing Reopening Plans

Bremen Public Schools students will be required to wear face masks but just for short periods of time. “If you’re going to ride a bus, you’re going to wear a mask, and then when the students are in common areas, they need face coverings, as well,” explains Superintendent Dr. Jim White. “Once they get to their classrooms, they can take them off.”

White says students will still have opportunities for recess and specials classes, but when it comes to lunch, some students will eat in the cafeteria, while others will eat in their classrooms. Drinking fountains are being replaced with bottle filling stations, and extra time is being allocated for hand washing.

White says the reopening plans were a big topic of discussion during Wednesday’s school board meeting, including potential virtual learning options. “We had some community input at that point in time,” he says. “There’s a Lutheran school in the area, and a lot of their parents were concerned that they were going to be excluded from some of our services, so we talked through that with them, and that seemed to go fairly well.”

You can find more details by watching Bremen Public Schools’ reopening plan YouTube video.