Marshall County Health Department officials are working to monitor and investigate the patient who was recently positively diagnosed with COVID-19.
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that attacks the immune system. Those with underlying medical conditions are more vulnerable to the disease that currently has no vaccine. Older adults and residents who have heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at a higher risk of developing serious complications.
Marshall County Health Officer Dr. Byron Holm said in a media conference call on Thursday that the Marshall County COVID-19 patient is in self-isolation. Health Department officials are identifying the people the person has come in contact with and notifying those individuals. Those individuals are then asked to self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor symptoms. If they notice an elevated temperature, cough and trouble breathing, they should contact their physician and pursue medical treatment. The Health Department will be notified of the symptoms as well.
So far, there is only one positive case in Marshall County. Marshall County Health Nurse Lisa Letsinger continues to investigate the case.
As far as how many tests have been provided to people in Marshall County, Letsinger commented that it’s hard to calculate the number as individuals can be tested in the drive-thru testing method by the Health Department, or personal care physicians can order tests through private laboratories. Several hospitals also do testing. Any positive cases are then reported to the Marshall County Health Department and the Indiana State Department of Health.
Any questions can be directed to the COVID-19 hotline at 574-335-8560.