Bremen School Board Permits High School Principal to Appoint to Students to School Board

Bremen High School Principal Bruce Jennings was given permission to appoint two students to the School Board when members met for their January meeting.

Superintendent Dr. Jim White said that the specific students have yet to be identified.

He explained, “I’m assuming they’ll come from student council in some form or fashion and the reason we did two is that we don’t expect both of them to be there every time. Our kids our in so many extra-curriculars so we thought if we had two, they could tag team the meetings.”

In addition to providing input on the School Board, Dr. White said there’s a chance some students could make their way into various other Town-associated positions.

He noted, “Mr. Jennings kind of took the initiative on that as well and he’s reached out to several other committees including the Town of Bremen and other entities and put out feelers to see if they would be willing to also allow students to serve in the same kind of capacity on their boards.”

The students would serve as non-voting members but Dr. White said their young perspectives will be valuable. He added that this will also allow them to have a greater understanding about how various government entities operate.